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We accompany you and your company in Switzerland

From business incorporation to management mandate, we are here to support you.
In collaboration with:
Business incorporation
from CHF 139
(excl. VAT)
Residence in
Taxea Steuererklärung
Check of the name and purpose of the company
Taxea Steuererklärung
All company documents related to incorporation
Taxea Steuererklärung
Personal consultation (on request)
Taxea Steuererklärung
Notary fees included
Taxea Steuererklärung
... and much more
All-in-One Business
from CHF 4'800 / year
(excl. VAT)
Residence in
Taxea Steuererklärung
Company foundation
Taxea Steuererklärung
Company domicile (Zurich, Geneva, Lucerne, Basel City, Vaud, Bern and Ticino)
Taxea Steuererklärung
Outsourcing of accounting work
Taxea Steuererklärung
Tax service (basic package)
All-in-One International
from CHF 9'999 / year
(excl. VAT)
Taxea Steuererklärung
Business management mandate
Taxea Steuererklärung
Company foundation
Taxea Steuererklärung
Company domicile (Zurich, Geneva, Lucerne, Basel City, Vaud, Bern and Ticino)
Taxea Steuererklärung
Outsourcing of accounting work
Taxea Steuererklärung
Tax service (basic package)
Steuererklärung expat
Ideal for international customers!
Steuererklärung expat

For foreign company founders we offer special foundation packages, which cover the needs of foreign founders in comprehensive packages at preferential conditions.

Competent professionals. Transparent prices.

Dedicated trustees, just for you.

What we offer:
Check Findea
Transparent costs
Check Findea
Competent specialists
Check Findea
Friendly advice
Check Findea
Connected ecosystem
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Interdisciplinary expertise
Check Findea
Legally compliant processing
Found your own company in Switzerland.

Found a company in Switzerland. Without residence.

In order to be able to establish a company in Switzerland as a foreigner, you must meet a number of requirements.
Incorporation   •   Easy   •   Online
Arrange initial consultation
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How to set up a company with STARTUPS.CH

Calculate offer

Enter your start-up project conveniently online and benefit from the cost sharing of our partners. In just a few clicks you can put together your customized start-up package.

Offerte zur Firmengründung berechnen
Collect company data

As soon as you have calculated the non-binding offer, enter your company data. Afterwards you can order the company formation.

Firmendaten zur Firmengründung erfassen
Get in touch

Our lawyers will get back to you within the mentioned period (often less than 24 hours). You will receive all relevant incorporation documents, can discuss any uncertainties and arrange your personal consultation.

Kontakt zur Firmengründung aufnehmen
Check documents

You can check, print and sign all the incorporation documents at home in peace and quiet.

Dokumente zur Firmengründung prüfen
Authenticate signature

Now you must obtain an official signature certification (e.g. from the municipal office). This confirms that the signature provided is really your own.

Unterschrift beglaubigen für die Firmengründung
Enter in the commercial register

We submit all incorporation documents to the Commercial Register and ensure that your company is successfully registered in the Commercial Register. In the case of corporations, the paid-up capital is transferred to a business account after publication and is available to your company.

Dokumente zur Firmengründung prüfen
Celebrate wildly

Congratulations on the successful establishment of the company. Your company is now active and ready to do business.

Unterschrift beglaubigen für die Firmengründung

Requirements for founding a company in Switzerland

In order to establish a company in Switzerland as a foreigner, you have to meet certain requirements. We have listed the most important conditions below.

1. Notary

For your company formation, you will need a lawyer to certify your incorporation documents and owner identity. Our partner, STARTUPS.CH, works with a local notary public who will certify all the documents.

2. Domicile

You need a Swiss address for the company headquarters. If you do not live in Switzerland, you need a domicile address at the official place of incorporation. This also serves as the postal address. Domiciles can also bring tax advantages, depending on the canton in which the company is domiciled.

3. Representation

Every Swiss company needs a person resident in Switzerland. If none of the company founders meets this requirement, lawyers or trustees can assume this task and represent the company. Of course, all operational decisions will still be made by the founders.

4. Residence Permit

If you decide to move to Switzerland, you need a residence permit. The corresponding permit depends on your nationality, financial circumstances and employment in Switzerland.

Setting up a company in Switzerland as a foreigner: you need to know that!

The formation of a sole proprietorship is uncomplicated and does not require a minimum investment. Sole proprietorships are companies without their own legal personality. Many new entrepreneurs who start a micro or small business choose this legal form for the beginning.

Minimum capital
Sole proprietorship
No minimum capital is required
Sole proprietorship
Suitable for one-man businesses (painter's store, hairdresser, artists etc.)
Number of persons
Sole proprietorship
Only one person can be the owner. This person must have a domicile in Switzerland (however, there is no obligation to reside in Switzerland).
Sole proprietorship
The legal form of a sole proprietorship allows for an uncomplicated, informal activity. To a large extent, no compliance with social regulations is required.
Sole proprietorship
There is an unlimited liability of the owner with the personal assets. In addition, no partners can be involved in the company. There is also no unemployment benefit.

It is the most popular legal form in Switzerland: With a GmbH, the personal liability of the partners can be excluded. The amount of liability is limited to the company capital. The GmbH is a company with its own legal personality, in which one or more persons join together to form a separate company. Each partner is liable up to the amount of his registered share capital.

Minimum capital
Limited liability company
CHF 20'000
Limited liability company
Suitable for small and medium-sized companies.
Number of persons
Limited liability company
At least one partner and one managing director, whereby one person can hold both positions. At least one managing director authorized to sign must be resident in Switzerland.
Limited liability company
Lower minimum capital (CHF 20'000) than for PLC. Exclusive liability of the company assets. A participation in the company is possible.
Limited liability company
There is a publication obligation for the distribution of the shares. There are more regulations to be observed than in the case of a partnership and double taxation exists.

With a stock corporation, personal liability can be excluded. In addition, it enjoys a very good reputation among the public. The stock corporation is a company with its own legal personality, for whose obligations only the company's assets are liable.

Minimum capital
Public limited coporation
CHF 100'000; at least CHF 50'000 must be paid in as a contribution.
Public limited coporation
Suitable for all profit-oriented companies.
Number of persons
Public limited coporation
At least one shareholder and one member of the Board of Directors, whereby one person may hold both positions. At least one member of the Board of Directors must be resident in Switzerland and must be authorized to sign.
Public limited coporation
Anonymity of shareholders and investors. Exclusive liability with the company assets. Simple transfer of the shares.
Public limited coporation
High costs as well as the requirements for minimum capital. There is also double taxation.

Successful incorporation

The foundation portal of Switzerland

Findea supports start-up companies in the areas of trust, auditing and tax consulting. Our mission is to take as much effort off your shoulders as possible so that you can focus on the tasks required by your company.

Check foundation
Digital collaboration
Check foundation
Monthly fixed costs
Check foundation
Experienced and competent accountants
Residence permit in Switzerland

In principle, foreign persons can stay in Switzerland for 3 months without a special residence permit. If they want to stay beyond this period, they must apply for a residence permit, which is subject to various conditions.

The three decisive criteria for granting the permit are the duration of the stay, the country of origin of the person entering and the purpose of the stay.

With regard to the country of origin, a fundamental distinction is made between immigrants from EU/EFTA countries and third countries.

Citizens of the EU/EFTA

Through the treaties between the EU/EFTA states, the right to a residence permit exists, if the legal requirements are met. For citizens from EU new states there may be special regulations.

Citizens from third countries

The granting of a residence permit to persons from third countries is governed by the Foreigners Act (AuG). In most cases, higher requirements are imposed on the person.

Purpose of stay

For the residence permit, the purpose of residence is decisive. The following decisions can be made:

Check foundation

Residence for the purpose of gainful employment (self-employed or dependent)

Check foundation

Stay to stay with the family (family reunion)

Check foundation

Residence as an inactive person (e.g. pensioner or private person)

Check foundation

Stay for the purpose of training/study

Check foundation

Stay for medical treatment

Check foundation

Remaining in Switzerland due to a hardship case

If the stated purpose is no longer given, the granting of the residence permit usually expires. However, there are also special regulations here.